One day, a blind people found that having a guide dog will be a lot better in his life. He decided to take Quill as his guide dog to guide him to different places. He wants Quill to be his eyes. Day by day, the love that his owner has with Quill was slowly builded up. They communicate with each other very well. Until one day, the blind man was falled sick and passed away because of diabetic. This is the time where Quill suffer from the third farewell.
From that day on, he was sent back to the institute and stay there for 7 years. He then was decided to be sent back to the second owners where the couple stay. That's all that I can say. I can say it is a wonderful story which explain the bond that a dog has with people. This is the first movie that make my tears come out. I miss my dog very much.
I miss you, Gordon...